Mon - Fri: 9AM - 7PM
Sat: 9AM - 3PM
(250) 597-8274
6038 Sterling Dr., Unit 7 Duncan BC V9L 5K4 Canada
You have come to the right place if you require Duncan Counsellors. Do you often feel stuck in your current relationship? Do you keep attracting the same kind of mate? Do you have seasons where you mood may become quite low, and you become unmotivated? Do you have any periods in time when typically feel anxious or panic? We can tell you that it’s highly possible that you may simply be repeating embedded, negative patterns that you learned growing up, and are repeating them today with quite even knowing it.
Patterns learned growing up: Through internal factors such as our family and external factors such as friends, schools, etc., we learned to cope and express with internal emotions and learned to understand what was ok and not ok. As a result, these teachings and learning’s impact our ability to be vulnerable and connect deeply to others, especially if we trauma while growing up. We are very adaptive and learn to survive growing up, but these same strategies typically work against us in adulthood.
How we view ourslves: Let’s face it. We tend to be quite hard on ourselves, unnecessarily. It can be difficult to view our positive traits within ourselves, however, without much effort we easily recognize all the negative stuff! The negative view of our selves highly distorts how we experience our experience with others. Our view of self is vital to our wellbeing.
How we interact with others: Our upbringing greatly influences how we respond to and interact with others around us. Do you find that you might be too defensive, reactive, critical, blaming or shutting down and distancing from those who are closest to you? Do you have any trouble being vulnerable and taking emotional risks? Do you purse a partner while they withdraw? Here at Clayton Counsellling , we will help you recognize these unhelpful patterns and create healthy patters or relating to others, so your needs can be met.
If you want consistent change in your life, we will be pleased to help you become aware and break free of hurtful patterns and create new patterns that bring about inner peace, and health connections with others.
What exactly is a FAQ and what does FAQ mean? It stands for Frequently Asked Questions and It typically comes in the form of a page, on website, that gives quick answers to customer questions. Here at Clayton Counselling, we answer your most common questions, every day. As a result, we’ve taken some of the most common questions and compiled a list for your convenience, right here. Click below to learn more.